Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant Opens Doors to Mothers, Married, and Divorced Young Ladies

The Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant is proud to announce a significant change for the 2024 competition: the inclusion of mothers, married, and divorced young ladies between the ages of 17 and 29. This decision reflects a commitment to recognizing the diverse experiences and contributions of women in our community and to providing a platform for them to showcase their talents, intelligence, and leadership.

Why We’re Making This Change:

For too long, beauty pageants have been criticized for perpetuating narrow and outdated ideals of femininity. We believe that the Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant should be a platform that celebrates the achievements and potential of all women, regardless of their marital status or family background.

By opening our doors to mothers, married, and divorced young ladies, we hope to achieve the following:

  • Promote inclusivity and diversity: Our community is made up of women from all walks of life. We believe the Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant should be a reflection of that diversity.
  • Recognize the strength and resilience of mothers: Motherhood is a demanding and rewarding experience that often goes unrecognized. We want to celebrate the mothers in our community and provide them with an opportunity to shine.
  • Empower married and divorced women: Women who are married or divorced often face unique challenges and opportunities. We believe the Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant can be a platform for them to share their stories and inspire others.
  • Challenge outdated stereotypes: Beauty pageants have long been associated with superficiality and unrealistic beauty standards. We want to show that pageantry can be a platform for intelligent, accomplished, and diverse women.

More Than Just a Beauty Pageant

The Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant is not just about beauty. We are looking for young ladies who are passionate about making a difference in their community. We are looking for leaders, role models, and ambassadors for Point Fortin.

We believe that mothers, married, and divorced young ladies have a wealth of experience and wisdom to offer. They are strong, resilient, and determined individuals who can inspire others. We are excited to welcome them to the Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen family and to see what they will achieve.

Join the Journey

If you are a mother, married, or divorced young lady between the ages of 17 and 29, we encourage you to apply for the 2024 Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant. This is your opportunity to showcase your talents, share your story, and make a difference in your community.

Together, we can redefine what it means to be a queen.


The Miss Point Fortin Boro Queen Pageant Team

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